品界获得:LOOP Design Awards 设计奖双项大奖:winner(冠军)与人民选择奖
LOOP设计奖 ( LOOP Design Awards )是一个诞生在葡萄牙的国际设计奖,致力于成为全球范围内建筑设计、室内设计、景观设计、产品设计、建筑摄影和建筑视频领域中最负盛名和最被认可的奖项之一。 LOOP是一个开放性的平台,可以让人发挥创造力和才华,旨在全球范围内表彰具有多样性的卓越作品。
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品界设计凭借作品「田·当代美术馆」和「XiPHOTO顶奢定制影像秘境迷宫」的优秀设计摘得了LOOP 设计奖2023年室内 | 展览与博物馆类别冠军和人民选择奖两项大奖。
官网链接: https://www.loopdesignawards.com
2023室内 | 展览和博物馆类别冠军
2023 Interior Category Award Winners
TIAN Contemporary Art Museum
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对于BOSMIA 波西米亚来说,位于长沙湘江西岸的滨江店是一次全新的身份展示,以2000㎡的体量建构了品牌旗下首个婚纱摄影美术馆。密斯·凡·德·罗曾认为“结构是像逻辑一样的东西”,缜密、清晰、有迹可循,这种论述也同样适用于具体的建筑形态,远观之下,纵横排布的线性建筑外立面于高楼林立的都市之中呈现出独特的表皮肌理。
For BOSMIA, the Binjiang store located on the west bank of the Xiangjiang River in Changsha, is a brand-new identity display, constructing the brand's first wedding photography gallery with a volume of 2000 ㎡. Mies van der Rohe believed that “structure is like logic”, which is meticulous, clear, and traceable. This point of view is also applicable to specific architectural forms. Seen from a distance, the criss-cross linear facades of the building presenting a unique skin texture in the city.
People's Choice Award 2023
Xi PHOTO Top Luxury Custom Photography Mysterious Labyrinth
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Xi PHOTO, the top luxury custom wedding photography brand under Alvin Group, has settled in Lohkah Hotel & Spa (a luxury urban resort hotel in Xiamen as well as the only member hotel of the Leading Hotels of the World (LHW) in the southern part of China), with an 8,000 m2 invincible secret labyrinth and a private coastal view. It has also assembled Alvin's top portrait photography tutors, styling tutors and post-production tutors.