品界设计 | 入围2021英国顶尖设计大奖Dezeen Awards
关于Dezeen Award Dezeen Awards是由英国顶尖的建筑室内设计媒体Dezeen于2018年底推出,是目前世界上规模最大、最具权威性的年度设计赛事之一,旨在表彰世界最优秀的建筑、室内、设计项目,以及杰出的创意机构和个人,已成为国际上衡量优秀设计的重要基准,吸引了全球众多极具创新精神的公司同台竞技。
About Dezeen Awards:Dezeen Awards was launched by the top architectural interior design media dezeen in the UK at the end of 2018. It is one of the largest and most authoritative annual design competitions in the world. It aims to commend the world's best architectural, interior and design projects, as well as outstanding creative institutions and individuals. It has become an important benchmark for measuring excellent design in the world, It has attracted many innovative companies all over the world to compete on the same stage.
品界设计作品《会呼吸的空间雕塑Breathing Space Sculpture》入围2021英国顶尖设计大奖 Dezeen Awards 公共文化空间类别,接下来我们将继续期待该赛事的更高荣誉。
Breathing space sculpture, a design work of Scope Design, was shortlisted in the 2021 British top design awards For the category of public cultural space, we will continue to look forward to higher honors of the event.
会呼吸的空间雕塑 Breathing Space Sculpture