品界设计 | YIWOO ART CENTRE ( 杭州 )翌禾美学艺术中心
Looking for works of art that are highly self consistent with the inner world, cross with individuals, resonate with the world, and walk with life.
This is a constantly changing art exhibition space.
Interior Design: Scope Design
主创设计师:翁德 / 梁剑峰
Chief Designer: Weng De / Liang Jianfeng
Project Address: Hangzhou, Zhejiang
Space Category: Commercial Space
Design Style: Minimalism
Project Area: 2000㎡
Rational design promoted by Bauhaus in the 20th century has been infuencing us.We adopted minimalist functionalism,while emphasizing people's sensory experiences in the space.
YIWOO ART CENTRE 空间风格定位选择一脉相承的极简主义,去繁从简,除必要功能性家具,并无多余繁杂之物,色系也是极简轻松色,灰色、木色以及麻色为主,偶有绿色点缀,毫无负担,立意为城市乌托邦。
The consistent minimalism is the positioning of the space style of YIWOO ART CENTRE. In addition to the necessary functional furniture, there is no extra thing. The color system is also very simple, mainly gray, wood color and hemp color, with occasional green embellishment. The purpose is to become a Utopia of the city.
With arc shape and transparent glass interface, the designer takes the introduction of scenery into the room as the starting point of design and quietly receives the natural gifts. The moving lines are crisscross and interweaved, and there is a sense of exploration in the winding and secluded place. Mobilize the mood fluctuation of the newcomers. Curiosity is your first conversation with it.
On the basis of hard geometric lines, the dull feeling is broken by curve superposition, and the frame lines seen by the eyes are softened. The large fluctuation of the block trend, relying on self posture, generates a broad imposing manner.
有容乃大,藏进滔滔不绝,包裹式空间感是YIWOO ART CENTRE的基底。
Inclusive sense of space is the foundation of YIWOO ART CENRE.
The hard walls, open space and all the grey you can see show the tranquility and inclusiveness of the space. It uses "nothing" to accept the "have" of the newcomer, embraces each individual's life experience, and receives each individual's perception.